
Ancestor Healing of the 7 Generations

The Ancestor Healing of the /Generations is a very deep individual coaching by choosing the timeline as an effective tool, walking through the past.

The complete circle consists of a total of 4 individual coaching sessions.

Ancestor Healing

Beginning with

The female ancestral line of the mother, followed by the male ancestral line of the father, the male ancestral line of the mother, the female ancestral line of the father.

It is not necessary to know the names of our ancestors through the 7th generation.

During each ancestral lineage, healing occurs and you receive resources from your ancestors.

A quiet undisturbed place, 9 pieces of postcard size paper and a pencil, sufficient space to lay out the papers in a line slightly spaced apart, water and about 2-4 hours of time.

We all carry information from our ancestors in our energy and cellular systems and these vibrations influence us in our being. They are stored in our system like a fingerprint.
If we look at the history from the last hundred years, we get an idea of how important it is to work with our ancestors.

Through ancestral healing, the original power/life energy flows through us harmoniously.

We feel connected ar strengthened, full of compassion, acceptance. forgiveness and gratitude.

As old family patterns, conditionings, beliefs, encroachments and addictions, old wounds, unshed tears and hurts can be dissolved and transformed during ancestor healing.

Ancestor Healing

Shamanic Meditation

During meditation, we breathe deeply in and out at various paces. Breathing helps to locate and release obstructive blockages and emotions.

Ancestor Healing

Ancestor Meditation

Together with the called upon forces and our ancestors, we allow ourselves to let go of all that is presenting – to heal and transform all with the Holy Fire of Transformation.

Ancestor Healing

Water Meditation

During the meditation, we work with water and experience the refreshing and revitalization of our body, in every cell.

Ancestor Healing

Energy Meditation

Through this process, we use the essential energy and heal what will, want, and need to be healed.

In the end we thank our invited forces for their guidance and support.

A quiet undisturbed place, mediation cushion, water and approximately. 60 – 90 min. of time.
Heart based energy exchange donation.
Location: online via zoom, group or one on one.